
RFC Group provides services in wood processing, transformation, and sales, as well as environmental impact mitigation and renewable energy services.

RFC groups the following companies:

Logos Reocosta

Refocosta stands out for having the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certification for Forest Management and Chain of Custody Management; PEFC (Program for the Recognition of Forest Certification Systems); ISO 9001 Quality Management; ISO 14001 Environmental Management, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management.

Refoenergy has built and operates a biomass energy generation plant in Puerto Carreño, Vichada. In addition, construction of a new 25 MW biomass energy generation plant in Refoenergy Villanueva began during 2023.

Refocosta financial information

Figures expressed in millions of dollars (USD).
Valorem managerial calculations.

Operating Income

Operating Income - Refocosta


EBITDA - Refocosta

Net Profit

Net Profit - Refocosta


Assets- Refocosta
(*) EBITDA adjusted with respect to the IFRS 16 standard (management of long-term leases as financial leasing).
(**) It should be noted that only the EBITDA indicator was homologated, so that other items such as net profit and assets are not strictly comparable due to the application in 2019 of the IFRS 16 standard.